Wow, that is thought-provoking. I think Penn Jillette is very kind to feel that much respect for this man. And true, the man didn't come on strong, he just gave him a Bible. But I cannot fathom that every Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, athiest, and agnostic should be expected to respond with the same patience and decency when approached in the course of their daily lives and essentially told that they are going to hell for not sharing the beliefs of the one evangelizing. I feel equally that LGBTQ+ people should not be subjected to this message from those who choose to focus on a few select verses in the Bible to the exclusion of the vast number that express acceptance over condemnation.
I don't believe that to not evangelize to someone is to somehow hate them. I believe it is to respect them in this life, in the here and now, which is in fact where we live and where we have an obligation to each other to respect differences and not impose our own beliefs on others.